Proiect eTwinning – 3D Printing for future!
3D printing for future! The project will develop students’ digital...
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3D printing for future!
The project will develop students’ digital skills in the field of 3D modeling and 3D printing. They will acquire skills in 3D computer graphics and learn how to operate a 3D printer. Students will initially familiarize themselves with the principles of creating 3D models, their formats, and applications for their creation. They will gain an overview of various methods and principles of 3D printing, different materials, and the advantages and disadvantages of their use. They will be able to perform final finishing of the prints. In the process of creating 3D models, the project will support their creativity, imagination, and problem-solving skills. Students will understand the principles of manufacturing and design, gain practical experience, and try the entire process from design to product manufacturing. We will explore the possibilities of 3D printing in various areas of life. Last but not least, students will deepen their skills in creating electronic content, various ways of online communication, and collaboration. When creating joint projects, students learn to collaborate in a team, communicate, and share their ideas. Students will explore how 3D technologies can impact our lives and what opportunities they bring to various fields.
Using Programms
Onshape(11-15 years)
Fusion (14-19 years), using PLA
Acquiring and expanding knowledge of 3D printing, its operating principles, various 3D printing techniques, and materials used (types, advantages, and disadvantages). Developing digital skills in 3D modeling, working in various applications and online environments for creating 3D models. Developing digital skills in preparing files for 3D printing, setting appropriate parameters for a given material, operating a 3D printer, and finishing 3D prints. Developing creative thinking by designing their own 3D models. Understanding the use of 3D modeling and 3D printing in various areas of life. Collaborating in an international team – communication, presenting results.
Expected Results
The expected outcomes of the project include the improvement of students’ digital skills, language skills, the development of creativity, critical thinking, and the ability to collaborate in an international team. The project outputs will be a multilingual electronic book providing an overview of the principles and procedures of 3D modeling, preparing files for 3D printing, and 3D printing settings. Another output will be a jointly created multilingual electronic collection of created 3D models and files prepared for printing. The project output will also include a project logo, articles about the project in school magazines or on websites, and school accounts on social networks. Finally, a virtual tour of the project results, 3D models, will be a project output.
- Initial online meetings.
- School introductions.
- Avatar creation.
- Logo creation and voting for the project logo.
- Graphic design of the logo to be 3D printed.
- Creation of electronic material (book) – a general overview of:
- Possibilities of creating 3D models (various applications, online environments, …), 3D model formats and their descriptions.
- Knowledge of 3D printing, its operating principles, various 3D printing
techniques, 3D printing materials (types, advantages and disadvantages of use).
- Proposals of topics for creating 3D models and their printing in various
* Models created using a 3D scanner.
* Models in art: jewelry, art objects, sculptures.
* Models in nature.
* Holiday-related models: Christmas, Easter, …
* Models in school: educational aids.
* Models in industry: spare parts, …
* Models in architecture: building models.
* Models in the free category – Challenge, task for project partners.
December – March
- Creation of 3D models in individual categories, their 3D printing,
and final finishing.
- Ongoing creation of a shared online database of 3D models.
- Printing 3D models designed by project partners and other involved students.
- Creation of an exhibition of printed models.
- Creation of an electronic collection of 3D models, files for printing.
- Voting for the 5 best models in each category.
- A joint virtual exhibition of created works – printed 3D models.
- Project evaluation.
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